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  • terajlee

Your Favorite Gift

What was your favorite gift? Was it a toy when you were a child; a piece of jewelry from someone special; or something extravagant you would never have gotten for yourself?

If you answered any of these things, you’re not alone. We give a worldly answer when asked questions like this. We think about the tangible things we can touch, feel, hold, or use. The person that gave us the gifts, who they are, and how they made us feel.

But, my favorite, the most precious, isn’t something you can touch or see, but I can feel it. My favorite gift is love, and I receive it daily from many people, the most important being the person of God, Jesus Christ.

God gave us this gift, when He sent His Son to Earth as a baby, knowing that His Son would have to suffer and die for our sins. This is the greatest gift anyone has ever given or will ever receive.

For God so love the World (not a few people, but the whole World), that He gave his only begotten Son (His Son, not a lamb, a ram, or a dove, but His SON), that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (yes your physical body will end, but your spirit will live on in Heaven with God), but have everlasting life. John 3:16.

What a gift! In John 6:38, Jesus tells us, “I came down from Heaven (where He sat at the right hand of God), not to do my own will, but the will of Him (God, His Father) that sent Me.” He willingly came to Earth, to bear our sins, pain, and punishment. The ultimate gift. The gift of life.

This Christmas, while giving and receiving gifts, remember the most important Gift. Give Love, because He first loved us. Give Love, because we have been commanded. Give Love and thank God for His Love for us.


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