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  • terajlee

My Song

I served as a vocal evangelist for a number of years. I would go to a group of churches, many without choirs, and sing once a quarter. Many of the churches my brother was pastor or were pastored by close friends. I had a large selection of tapes, then CDs, for accompaniment. Sometimes, I was asked to sing when visiting, so I learned to be prepared with a song.

Also, during this time, I wrote several songs. I can play the piano, but writing accompaniment is not my talent. God gave the words and the melody. I could hear the music in my head. But play it? No. I told someone that my quiet times were some of the loudest, at least in my head.

I would sing these songs acapella at my home church but never elsewhere. We visited my husband’s grandmother in Gulf Shores, AL, one week. She had told the preacher and choir director that I would sing. What she failed to do was tell me. I didn’t have a tape. Finally, I just said, “I can do an acapella version of Amazing Grace, I have arranged.” They agreed. Since then, I have sung a few songs here and there when called on.  

I still sing in my church choir but have stopped traveling. I still look for accompaniment to some of my favorite songs. When deciding what to sing next, I felt God asking me why not just sing the songs He had given me. That Sunday, the choir director said we all have our song.

God gives us each a song. It may not be lyrical, but it’s still our song of praise. You can write it down and read it. Sing it if you want. You don’t have to have an orchestra to praise God, just a heart of praise.

As the Carpenters sang.

Sing, sing a song

Make it simple to last

Your whole life long

Don’t worry if it’s not

Good enough for anyone

Else to hear

Just sing, sing “YOUR” song!!!!!

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