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  • terajlee

How Do You Stand?

Posture - The position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting

  • A particular way of dealing with or considering something - approach or attitude

Verb - to behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead

  • Place in a particular pose

The word posture has multiple meanings. The most common is the first one I listed, how someone holds their body when standing or sitting. When we are young, our parents tell us to stand up straight, shoulders back, like standing at attention. We want to appear strong, alert, composed, and in charge. (definition 3). 

Our posture is essential. Standing straight is healthy. Poor posture can cause many health issues. When your shoulders are slumped over, your lungs can’t inflate fully, which can increase pressure on your digestive system. It can also cause stiffness and pain in your back, neck, and shoulders.

Now, sometimes, we can’t help our posture. Injuries can cause some people to bend, curve, or stoop. But most posture issues can be resolved by training ourselves to stand, or sit, correctly.

The second definition is less well known, but it’s important - a way of dealing with or considering something. It’s your approach or attitude. We don’t think about our attitude as our posture, but it is. You tend to stand tall with a smile if you’re happy and in a good mood. If you’re depressed, have a lot on your mind, confused, or just plain sad, you walk slowly, stumped over, with a melancholy expression. They say that depression affects more than just your mental health, and it’s true. Depression hurts your posture and causes the same problems I listed earlier. I know firsthand. And no, you can’t die of a broken heart, but a broken heart can kill you.

So, think about your posture. How are you standing, presenting yourself, to the world? But then think of your posture when coming before the Lord. Are you like the haughty Pharisee from Luke 18:10-14. Are you standing tall before the temple, praying out loud for all to hear? Are you telling God how good you are compared to everyone else? Are you posturing yourself to appear impressive and attempting to mislead God and everyone else? Or are you the publican, bowing low with your head down, asking God for forgiveness in private? Our posture before God is not to be arrogant and self-serving. We are not to exalt ourselves before the Lord. For Jesus said, “Everyone that exalts themselves shall be made humble. But he that humbles himself shall be exalted.”

We should bow before the throne of the Most High. Moses lay prostrate, face down, on the ground (Deut 9:25). Solomon stood before the altar with his hands toward Heaven (1 Kings 8:22). Elijah cast himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees (1 Kings 18:42). Our posture before God is how we present ourselves. We are to present ourselves as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). As approved workers, not ashamed of who we are in Christ (2 Tim 2:15). 

So, what is your posture? I will stand tall and proud as I bow low and worship my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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