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Are You a Leaf or a Tree?

Light Part 2

Tera J. Lee

November 2, 2023

Are you a leaf? The leaves are beautiful. They are the blossoms of the trees. In the spring and summer, they are green with life, fluttering in the wind, reflecting God's glorious sunshine and giving shade to those below. Leaves are a beautiful reminder of God's magnificence. Each one is the same, yet they are all different sizes, shapes, and shades of green. But they're the same.

Then fall comes. With the sun's position, they receive less light, and the weather cools. The leaves lose their lovely green and slowly change to red, yellow, orange, and some even purple. How beautiful. People travel miles to the mountains to see the leaves in their fall glory. But the season of fall means just that: fall. After the leaves have had their 15 minutes of fame, they fall.

They fall off the trees. Now, they are at the mercy of the world. They are blown by the wind this way or that trampled under the feet of the world. They dry up. They crumble. They die.

The tree, though bare of its beautiful foliage, is alive. It may give the appearance of death, but it's just resting. Its roots are grounded deep in the earth, taking in nutrients from the soil and holding on tight to life. Winter will come, but the tree will stand. Stand tall and strong, holding tight to the giver of life. No matter how rough the weather, if its roots remain firmly grounded in the source of life, it will survive.

With spring's arrival and the sun's warmth, the tree will send out buds of new life and leaves. Before long, it will be filled once more, with leaves fluttering in the wind, rejoicing in the sun, and giving shade to those in need. Birds will make nests in its branches. Squirrels will eat its nuts and seeds. Some will build nests in its branches and even the trunk itself.

The tree will be alive and give life all year, but the leaves will again fall away and die in the fall.

So again, are you a leaf? Are you fluttering in the wind of the world being tossed about? Do you hold on to the giver of life only while you have your beauty, which will soon fade? Do you reflect the sun, even in the trials and darkness, or only in the sunlight? Do you wither and fade away when fall comes, and your beauty and fame are over?

Or are you a tree? Are you deeply rooted in the giver of life, holding tight to the one true Savior? Are you giving protection to those in need? Are you giving yourself to help others, even when you are cold and tired? Do you hold on firmly to the giver of life, not giving in to the world's worries, no matter how hard the winter is, knowing that spring and new life are coming?

So. Are you a leaf or a tree? Be A Tree.

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